Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7: There She Goes

Well, tators I have been MIA for a while and I know you have all been waiting with baited breath for my next post. Sorry to keep you waiting, but this girl's life has been turned up-side-down, shaken and stirred, and just plane messed up. Let's just say that a wrench has been tossed in to this person's machine in a BIG way!

To start things off Helen Ellen; my mother-in-law became ill. She has problems with cronic pain and is on some heavy duty meds that an addict would sell their soul for. However, the meds were not working causing her to be in serious pain and also not acting right, such as, short term memory loss, shaking, and weakness. She was getting so strange that she would start speaking Spanish even though she knows no one speaks it. Carl-E and put on our super hero capes, flew down to Florida, and jumped in to the situation. After many dr's visits, her medican has been adjusted and she seems to being much better.

In the mean time...
While Carl-E and I were traveling back and forth to Florida trying to get Helen Ellen better, Carl-E began thinking he was going to lose his job. Now, Carl-E is totally kick-ass at his job and just got a new CFO that he actually liked, so for him to think he was going to lose his job was ridiculous. But, his spidey sense must of been a tingling, because while I was at Helen Ellen's trying to get her back to normal, he was let go.

We do not know what we are going to do about Orlando. We had it all set to move back this August, but without a job; why move. So, I think I am stuck in Hot-Lanta a bit longer.

That's where I am at tators; my husband is home and every day feels like a Saturday, my mother-in-law is doing better no thanks to my sister-in-law, and I almost forgot I have a new kitty; Van Gogh. He is the cutest little baby! He has a notch out of his ear that is why he is named Van Gogh. Godiva is not too crazy about the newest addition, she like to chase him around to show him who is boss.

I gots to get to the laundry because now that my hubby is home I have more to do than ever!

And I am out!