Ok, it finally happened. I knew that this day would come, however I thought it would be later, much later.
I am officially OLD!
Now, I am not talking number of birthdays old, I am talking mentally old.
Let me explain...
Every year I looked forward to the MTV Music Awards; this year I could care less despite of the rumored potential Britney re-play of last year's disaster (NOTE: That was a hot mess!).
Actually, I wanted to watch the talking heads to learn more about the up-and-coming election (NOTE: It is getting so juicy!) Speaking of the election, I am way too into it. I cannot get enough of it. It's like crack for the elderly; which in this case is me.
I sat down and made a list of things make me old, my beloved tators.
Here it is:
- I maybe turn on MTV once a month
- I now venture out of my casa sans make-up (NOTE: There was a time when I would not be caught dead without at least mascara)
- My nail polish no longer has to match my outfit
- I can go a few days without reading Perez Hilton
- I no longer purchase the gossip rags (NOTE: In Touch was my total fav; now it does nothing for me)
- I check my stocks DAILY!
- I am no longer lust after every Porche I see; (NOTE: I often ask myself "Am I becoming a sedan type-of-girl?")
- I enjoy talk radio way too much (NOTE: Neal Bortz is the bomb!)
- I posses an unhealthy extensive knowledge of taxes stuff
- I cannot bring myself to carry a Coach bag (NOTE: Does this just make me snobby?)
- I am starting to think that the creases that are forming around my eyes add character
- Wearing a ponytail makes me feel silly and forget about pigtails
- The only short skirts I sport are for running
- I clip coupons and get excited when I save over $1
- I do not own any padded push up bras, because I no longer wear low-cut hottie shirts!
- I do not care what people think about me (NOTE: Well, this has not really changed, but now I am more vocal about it)
- I am not up on my urban lingo, yo!
Maybe it is time for me to hang up my tiara and Louboutins and except my destany of Easy Spirts and eleastic polyester, permenant creased pants.
However, I will be carrying a fabu LV!
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