Bon Jour mes tators!!! Well it is Sunday, And I am proud to announce that your girl survived the visit of Mad Marj. There was a few shaky moments that I thought that my time on this mortal coil was over. However, I looked deep into my inner self and summoned the power to prevail; GO ME!!!
Mad Marj arrived in a whirl-wind of furry and suitcases late Wednesday night. Why was SHE in such a tizzy? Because SHE got lost coming to moi casa.
Let's jump in our time machines; no pushing or shoving please...
Mad Marj was supposed to arrived around 8pm. Carl-E was not feeling too hot, so he took an Ambine and was off to La-La Land before the big hand was on the 8. So, this left me alone to face HER.
I was waiting, and waiting and waiting for HER to arrive. But the later it got, the more sleep-weepy I got; the eyes started to slowly close and the mouth began to go slack. And then my BlackCherry rang; when I looked at the time it was close to 10!!!
answered my BlackCherry with a raspy, "Hello" and the response I received was "I AM LOST AND YOU DO NOT EVEN CARE BECAUSE YOU DID NOT CALL!!!" (Note: I used all caps to emphasise the wailing that was coming through the phone and slamming into my little precious ears). I apologized and said I would guide HER to my house.
SHE could not tell me the major highway SHE just got off of. Now, tators, there are only two that SHE could of got off of; 400 and 85. But, in HER fantasy of madness, all SHE could keep yelling was how lost SHE was. I tried to calm HER down, but that fell on deaf ears.
After 20 minutes of HER driving in circles (I assume), I finally got HER to pull over and describe to me what SHE saw. All SHE could get out is "I AM DOWNTOWN; THERE ARE BIG BUILDINGS EVERYWHERE!!!" I assured HER, the SHE was not downtown, but what the hell do I know, I only live in Hot-Lanta. After another 10 minutes of describing HER surroundings, my Spidey sense kicked in and I used the power of deductive reasoning to conclued HER location, because I am smart like that, ya know?!
When SHE finally recognized her surroundings, SHE got off the phone. I breathed a sigh of relief because I thought the crisis was over. WRONG!!! When SHE finally arrived, SHE was whipped in to a tail spin; ranting and raving about the traffic, the long ride (NOTE: Did I forget to mention that SHE drove by HERSELF from NJ?), and everything thing in between. I tried to tell her that Carl-E was asleep and to lower HER voice, but that did not work. However, my husband was out like a drunk after 8 bottles of vodk aand could not be woken by any sound, no matter how earthshaking it was. To be honest, I just could not take the screaching anymore.
I grabbed HER bags and brought them upstairs. Then I gently nudged HER up the stairs to HER room and said, I'll see ya in the morning." And then, I high tailed it to my room to get much needed quiet.
Next time...
The bagel that just would not die.
Holla at your girl!!!
Later fo' sho'
So glad you are blogging more regularly once it!
Thank you so much Carrieann for the ability to make me laugh (a loud laugh mind you_whether I am by myself or not). It is rare that someone can make a person laugh through their writing (it's called writing skills). Well my imagination may also have a little to do with it (HeHeHe).
Nyia Nickie
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