Hey tators! I know it has been a looooong time, and one of my new years resolutions is to bring the blog back! So, let me start by telling you some 2009 holiday tales:
- If you remember the blueberry pie story; you will have a chuckle about this. Hellen Ellen offered us breakfast, but they were frozen bagels. Now these bagels were stuffed under mounds and mounds of frozen zip lock baggies of mangos. Helen Ellen has a mango tree and refuses to toss any of the fruit so she cuts it up and frezzes it. But, she does not date any of the bags, so you have no idea how old any of the mango are. Carl-E said he would pass, and she got so mad that she started on her tirate on that they are still "gooood". But, Carl-E stood his ground and did not eat the frozen bagels; you go baby! (NOTE: THe bagels were purchased in December 2002; I do not kid)
- During Thanksgiving Carl-E and his friend went to a wine bar. We sat next to this man, who I thought had a speach problem. But, he was just really wasted and Irish. Well, him and his wife decided that we were their new bestfriends and would not stop talking to us. At first, they were ok, but then the husband asked me if I had any children. When I said no, he asked me "Does your equipment work?" at that point I hit Carl-E's leg as the sign to leave! Can you beleive?! Oh and he also said he invented the Smurfs, too. Ya right!!!
- While on the way to my Nanny's house for Christmas Eve, we got a flat. Not one person stopped to help us; Christmas spirirt my ass! But, Calr-E in true "A Christmas Storyy" fashion changed that sucka faster than a girl taking off her prom dress!
Well, that's it for now. Until next time my beloved tators, see ya!
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