Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5: What An F*in Week!

Well, tators it has been a week, and we are only half way through it. It started out wonderful...
My big sister was here for a visit and we were havin fun doin stuff around Hot-Lanta; the High Museum and the Aquarium.

Monday I try to get on the computer and nothin. My router is shot to h-e-double hockey sticks. This is the second router that I have blown with my computer; maybe it is time for a new computer; my birthday is coming up...I wounder if LV makes laptops?

Ok, so I move on...
We get in to my car and Sophie notices that all the junky-junk for my glove compartment is all over the floor. You know the stuf; napkins from Starbucks, receipts for the food store, pens that do not work, and stale gum.

Guess what?
Someone totally broke in to my car and violated it! And guess what they took? Two cases of glasses; not two cases with sunglasses, but two cases of stemware glasses. What the f*&% does someone need with two cases of stemware glasses??? Are they havin a large garden party and need some extra glasses, so they decided to check every car until they hit the jack pot?

I wake up Tuesday morning to the downstairs A/C not working. Another "What the F*$%!!!" But, your girl has an idea...check the battery on the controller, because the display is not working. So, I go to Publix to buy a new battery, and then I turn the key on my car, and NOTHING!!!

Well, I dial...
Carl-E up and begin to convey my tale of woe. Like a knight in a black BMW he swoops in and give me a jump. We get my car home and have lunch in a what feels like a hundred degree house.

So, where am...
I at now???
I am waiting for the A/C guy to come and fix my A/C. Carl-E brought a battery charger so I can charge my car battery. And I am on the hunt for AARF stemware that may pop up at a thrift store or local pawn shop.

And I am out...

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