Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3: New Month; New Obsession!

Happy Monday and welcome to November, tators! How many of you forgot to set your clocks back and got to somewhere way too early?! Not moi! Actually, I was up at 6am on a Sunday. Well, actually according to Carl-E it was really 7am, but it was 6am. All day long he would say things like, "It is 2pm, but it is really 3pm." By the time I went to la-la land I think it was 10pm or was it 9am...

It is Monday, and I know it is 8:37 am and I have a new obsession. Since the election is almost over; thank goodness! I need a new one! This new one costs a whole hella lot less coin than my LV infactuation, so my Carl-E should be doing the happy dance. When I shared with him my newest passion, he just shook his head and said I was loco.

Well, let me share with you...
As many of you know I loves me some Hello Kitty. She is sassy, loves pink, always looks fabu, and has the cutest friends (Note; just like my peeps; my tators!). However, I have a darkside; a gun-wieldin', mega-attitude, head-swivelin', teeth-suckin', eye-rollin', trash- talkin', Jersey girl. And to complete this side, I found I.W.G. "The Insurgents Wilderness Gruppo!"

These animals are so bad-to-the-ass! They are on the hunt to take out all poachers with missal launchers, traditional Japaneses swords (Hattori Hanzo Steel; no doubt!), AK-47's, boomerangs,and other kick-ass weapons of mass destruction. And not only do they go all Chuck Norris on all humans that do animals wrong, proceeds of the purchases of these enforcers goes to various animal organizations.

Because I jumped on the I.W.G wagon late, I missed many cool figures. Now, I am on a quest for them. My fav is Astrid, a bad-mutha (Ooh! Shut your mouth!) of a big kitty; "Committed to recovering range lost to cattle ranchers and preventing rainforest destruction, Astrid often works alone in stalking and terminating human threats in her domain." She was one of the first, and very rare. I located her overseas, but I do not have the cha-ching to get her to the US of A. I have to save a bit; ya know times are tight!

If you feel the need to delve into my latest passion; check it out:

Well, tomorrow night we will have a new President (NOTE: I know not really tomorrow night, but we know who will be takin' the reigns come 2-oh-oh-9!). Now when you are standing in line, if you did not take part in early voting or absentee balloting; bring a book, an IPod, phone, chaise lounge, blender, disco ball, and breath mints. Also, if you are single or just like to look; check out what's around ya! There might be some serious political hottie in your sights. Just do not get into any polical discussion because like Lit' Wayne said, "I'd rather be pushing flowers
Than to be in the penn sharing showers"

Latta tators!

chuck norris

v. to perform a totally cool and violent action, observable by peers

v. to judiciously kick a man, woman, child, or animal's ass

v. to maintain street credibility;
adj. for street cred

Did you see the way Stewart Chuck Norrised that fucking guy's neck? That's awesome.

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