Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 19: There is a God!

Hey tators! It is a very, yippy-skippy, jump-aro Wednesday! I just discovered that Cadbury now makes their delightful, scrumptious cream eggs in a fun new form ALL YEAR ROUND! I remember the first time I had a Cadbury cream egg. I was about 11 and I was collecting money for new uniforms for the color guard I was in (NOTE: I twirled the flag and riffle; and damn I was good. And, I still spin a mean mop when I am cleaning my ridiculous kitchen floor from h-e-double hockey sticks!)


I was standing in front of the Grand Union (NOTE: For you non-Yankees, it's a food store) shaking my can (NOTE: No, not my tush but the can for change), and feeling like a total tool. I wanted to go home so bad, but I had another hour to go. I went into the Grand Union to use the restroom when something caught my eye. It was the glint of green and blue foil among the Easter candy display. I turned to see what was sparkling like a jewel in a Harry Winston display case. Yes tators, it was the Cadbury cream egg.

I will admit when I saw the display box with the photo of the cracked egg with the white and yellow goo pouring out, I was a bit turned off. However, there was something that beckoned me like a siren's song to sailors at sea to try one. There was one glitch; I had no money. Then I remembered my can. It was chock full of jiggly-jangly change. Now, the good catholic side of my conscience said, "Stealing is a sin; you'll burn in purgatory FOREVER!" The naughty Jersey-girl side of me said, "Go ahead they owe you for standing out here for hours, begging for change while looking like an idiot"

I gave into my Jersey side and brought an egg. An hour later I was home and I was riddled with guilt. I should not of stole the quarter to buy the egg, but I am only human! In my room, I slowly pealed the foil back to reveal a perfectly smooth chocolate egg. I slowly took a bit and was transported to candy Shangri La. I heard the songs of angels singing the praises of Cadbury for creating the most perfect Easter treat ever!

Since then, every Easter I buy a bazillion Cadbury eggs and keep them in my freezer. Over the last few years, others have discovered the magic of the egg. They are becoming harder and harder to get your hands on and the price has sky rocked due to popular demand (NOTE: Some will contest it to high oil prices, but personally I think it is price gouging.). Now, you think that since Cadbury probably makes profits that equals the US deficit off the eggs they would offer them all year round.


Now they do! It is called "Twist." But just to tease a bit more, you can only find it in the UK! Now you are probably wondering how I found all this out. Well, I now buy the eggs from the internet, because you can get them way after Easter. Well, my stash ran out and I needed a fix. No one had the eggs, but they had "Twist!" I am praying it is as good as the eggs. But, how could they not Cadbury makes it!

And I outta her'!

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