Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 5: Getting Old

Ola, tators! It is one hot mutha out today!

As my 35+some interger birthday quickly approaches, I find myself re-examining my beauty regiment. "Why?" you might ask. Well, because as I start down that slipper slope to mature-adult-ville, I am wondering how much is not enough, just enough, or too much. Because I am a lady of leisure, I do not wear make-up as much or even super high heels; just your moderate 2-3" wedge. CAN YOU BELIEVE?! So, I have scaled down my wardrobe (NOTE: I have made a killing off EBAY), but not my beauty regiment. So, I decided to look at other women around my age. Sometimes I think, "Wow, she looks like crap-ol-a. I could afford to not use such-and-such cream" or "Damn I look like crap-ol-a I need Botox, Cologin, and any other "ox" or "gin" that I can get my hands on.!"

One of the areas that causes me great concern is my hair. I have way too many grays. I started going gray in my early 20's. At first, I just grabbed the little sucker with my tweezers and snuffed out its pitiful life on my head. But, when more and more began to pop up, I knew that I had to color. Now, I have colored my hair since I was 14, but that was for fun and fashion. Once, in college after a coloring experiment went Trinoble wrong, I had purple hair and was referred to as, "Eggplant Head." Now, that I am past my crazy coloring phase and wanting to keep my a dark locks with a kiss of red, the slightest gray that rears its ugly head I must color it, because it stands out like a whore in church. I even went as far as using a Sharpie marker to color in a gray in between my scheduled colorings; which are every 3 weeks.

Another process that I started doing to my hair is straightening. A straight, shiny, and free-flowing mane just screams, "Youth, Vitality, and Under 40!" Due to my grays, my hair is no longer straight; it has an annoying wave to it. When I "do" my hair, I add glossing cream, pull it threw two types of brushes while I blow dry on super-duper high heat, add shine wax, and then use a flat iron that makes smoke rise up. It takes way too freakin' long, and the minute I step out in to this Hot-Lanta humidity, it curls right back up. Back in the day, I'm talking the 80's, I would of killed for wavy hair. Once, I sat in a back alley with over 100 rods in my hair waiting for my hair to dry, because my head would not fit under a dryer, to get the wave I now have. Now that I got wavy hair, I want my straight hair back. So, to correct this problem, I had my hair straightened. But, it did not take because my grays. It seems they are too coarse. Now, I have to have it re-done in three weeks with a different process.

I started to thinking I should chop it all off a la Brit-Brit. I would be mucho cooler, especially in this 90+ degree heat. I would save on styling produces, hence shorting my product parade. I would not have to restore to carrying a Sharpie in my LV just in case I find a rouge gray. But, I would look like a little tween boy who is not sure what side of the fence he sits on. Plus, I think Carl-E would faint and a wig would be in my future.

I cannot win the battle of the grays, but I fight like a Jersey girl with a the help of my assassin Colorist who is a master in the art of "Gunta-Gray Judo." I have to face it that my grays are one area that I can keep myself lookin' kind of young without breaking the bank. Wrinkles and such take a bit more effort. As far as the other "procedures" I think I'll keep them in consideration for maybe after I turn 40 (NOTE: Or sooner if need be, I am open minded, ya know?!).

And, I'm Audio!

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