Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 30: The End Is Almost Here

Happy "Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute and National Bicarbonate Of Soda Day." So tators, make a list of all things you want to change in 2009, (NOTE: You know you will try real hard the first month, and then start to slack off as February rolls around; we all do it; it's only human), next chug a soda (NOTE: May I suggest a frosty, refreshing Cherry Coke Zero; yummy!), and then think of some totally hilarious, and laugh so the soda shoots out of your nose and pours all over your list.

Well, tators, I hope you had a fabu Christmas, mine was very, very, interesting. As I reported in my last post; poor Carl-E threw his back out. Because his knee is not 100%, well it is not even 50%, he walks all catywhompus. So, trying to get ready for a day at the daily grind, his back went, "POP!" But being the trooper he is and a die-hard boss, he braved the pain and went to work anyway, only to come home a few hours later to lay in bed with his laptop and Blackbetty. God forbid he is not connected!

It is 4am on Tuesday, and Carl-E is trying to convince me that he can go to Florida for Christmas. Let me use my magic brush and paint the picture...
He is stilling in the living room chair with both legs sticking straight out in front of him, so that he appears to be a Ken doll that cannot bend at the hips; in other words he looks like a cadaver which rigamortis has set in. The grimace look on his face is not making me believe one word that was coming from his mouth. But, to give him props, he was really trying to convince me he was ok to travel.

I was so not buying it! I put my wife foot down and said, "We are not going anywhere; we will stay here!" So, Christmas was put on hold until Carl-E's back is better. We had a nice day; I made duck and roasted eggplant. It was very yummy!

Let's talk about New Years resolutions. Normally, I do not make any, because if I fail, I'll be sad. And, nothing sucks more than being sad. But, this year is different. Because Carl-E and I had way too much extra time this holiday season due to Christmas being post-phone, he talked me into making a list. So, here it is; laugh away:

- I will be kinder to Mother Earth. I got a jump on this already. I purchased this adorable flower-print tote that folds into a tiny little square, and then slips into its own carrying case to I keep in my bigger LV tote, so I do not have to waste store bags! Also, I have a bizillon Publix re-usable bags, because every time I go and I am short by just one because I leave one at home, I buy a new one so I am not the only person in the store that gets the hairy eyeball from the rest of the shoppers because I am using the only plastic bag to carry out Carl-E's Special K waffles.
- I will recycle more. Nothing will go in my trash if it can be recycled. Even if this means I have to take out Carl-E using the straight arm or by sweeping his bad leg while he tries to toss out yet another Gator Aid bottle. I swear he bathes in that stuff; he drinks so much!
- I will sell more on Ebay. Hey, if I have not sported it in a year, why waste the space? I'll make extra cash and get more threads to fill the empty space!
- I will continue my exercise regiment. This is really not for me, but for Carl-E. If I do not exercise, I become nastier than a sale person at Neiman Marcus who would not locate for the mate of the adorable Fendi flat that I wanted to buy!
- I will try to save more money. Oh Hell, that's not going to happen especially with all those LV bags needing loving and caring homes.

With that tators, rock on!

Happy New Year and all that jazz!

"So the scissor leg; touch your heal, touch your toes!"

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